Nov 2, 2016

Come on Gang, Mom Has to Pee!

For the first two decades of my life, I may have taken something for granted. Something that I really didn’t think too much about…going to the bathroom. Alone. In the good old day I could sit on the toilet for as long as I wanted and not be bombarded with questions. I didn’t know what a little slice of heaven it actually was to pee in peace. Since I became a mom more than 8 years ago, I’ve pretty much given up on privacy completely. Now, it is no longer just me in the bathroom…it’s the whole family!

Come on gang, mom has to pee! They all follow me into the bathroom and we discuss whatever is on their mind. We are, after all, one big happy family. We even invite the animals to join us. I think the kids worry that they might miss out on something amazing for the two minutes I am away. Guess what kids? I’m not doing anything fun. Just peeing.

CLICK HERE to read more


  1. Oh lordy... it's the worst isn't it. Just leave me in peace! #brilliantblogposts

    1. I don't think we will ever have peace again! Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Love it! I love all of your work though :)


  3. Love this post. I always wonder what I used to think about when I was on the loo in life pre-child. Now I'm either stressed out cause they are there with me or stressed out because they aren't there! Can't win!

    1. Yes! If only we knew then what we know now we would have enjoyed the alone time more! Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Yes, I know how this feels. My two year old: "mama wee wee red", me: deep breath and "yes mama's wee wee is red". "What's that mama?". Me: pause "it's mama's". "What's that mama?" Me: resigned "its a tampon". "Mama's got a dirty bottom". Me; "No sweetheart it's not dirt it is hair". "Mama's got a hairy bottom". Mama really needs wine. Pen x #brilliantblogposts

  5. You and I need bigger bathrooms.

    1. Yes, we do. Or we need to be faster at locking the door!

  6. As annoying as the following me in the bathroom is, the silence is scarier... much much scarier. Or worse the sounds that you can't do anything about like the lego box dumping... shudder... Thanks for sharing on #FridayFrivolity

  7. It was one of those things I never really considered before kids, like at all. Now it's a constant battle of 'do I bring her with me?' or 'do I risk three minutes of non-supervision...' I never knew how good I had it! Lol. #FridayFrivolity

  8. haha true maybe it is safer if they are in the loo with us! #anythinggoes

  9. I relate to this so much! For 11 years I haven't been able to pee in peace. Luckily, as of September, all my children are of school age so I do get to pee in peace at work and University, but never at home as there is always one following me! It's like when you go for a wash, a bath or a shower, there is some kind of alarm that only the children can't hear and suddenly they need to be in the same room (even if you have another toilet). What would we do without them though?

    Thanks for linking up to #AnythingGoes


    1. Sometimes the only good thing about going to work is peeing in peace! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. What a funny post... I will defiantly continue to enjoy my privacy of using the bathroom in peace. Just think of it like this... your kids will get to an age where they think they are cool and it will be so "uncool" to hang out with their family.... then you will think back on these family pee sessions with laughter and regained happiness of your bathroom freedom. But if you ever feel sad about them not joining you to pee remember your there mom and YOU could always walk in onto their pee privacy (My mom would always do that like...remember when you were little i didnt have my space so let me in. lol)

    Thanks for a good laugh in and some fond memories.
