Nov 20, 2016

Dear Random Chin Hair

 Dear random chin hair,

I first noticed you several years ago when I looked in the mirror to put on my make-up one morning. There it was...something black poking out of my chin. At first, I thought maybe you were just a stray hair, one that I could just brush you away. But then you didn’t brush. That is when I had the horrifying realization that you were attached. To my chin. My 20-something year old chin. There you were in all your coarse, black glory sprouting your prickly head out of the bottom of my chin. Of course I immediately plucked you away and just assumed you were a rogue, one-time visitor. But you were not. You kept coming back, for years...and now, I’ve had enough. I want you to know that I truly hate your guts. Really. I fricking hate you with every fiber of my being.

Where do you come from? Why do you think that my chin is a good place to call your home? Everyone knows that women are not supposed to have facial hair. Perhaps you are seriously confused. I’m not a man. Let me prove it to you. I can’t do any of the things that men can do…like I can’t pee standing up; I don’t adjust myself in public; I don’t greet people by looking at their chests; and I didn’t have a beard…at least until you started showing up unannounced and unwelcome on my chin.

Now, I know that one measly black chin hair every now and again is not the end of the world. Maybe not to you anyway. But I don’t want you. I never wanted you. All you are is a terrible reminder that I am slowly turning into a masculine old hag. A reminder that things just steadily go downhill as we age. A reminder that I will just get fatter, sweatier, and hairier with each passing day. It’s only a matter of time. What’s next, a mustache? Don't get any ideas for your little friends.

So, despicable, nasty black chin hair. I loathe you. Take the hint and GO AWAY. You are not welcome to take residence on my chin. Take this letter as a warning…If I see you again, I’ll pluck you immediately and possibly consider laser-removal. Watch it, you asshole.


Me and my chin

Is this my future?  Is this what I have to look forward to?  

Oh Lord, I hope not!


  1. I know I shouldn't laugh, but I am anyway. I just have this vision of you stood in front of your bathroom mirror, ranting at the random chin hair #happynowbloglinkup x

    1. That's accurate! Laugh away. What else can we do? I mean there was a hair growing out of my chin! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I tried to pluck a 3 inch long eyebrow hair the other day and now I only have half an eyebrow on the left side. The struggle is real. #happynow

  3. Getting older is a total f**king BLAST!

  4. I have had some random chin hairs since my 20s as well. Now that I'm in my later 30s I actually go get waxed. It sucks. But it also works! Hormones are wonderful, aren't they? ;)


  5. Oh man This is a letter i could use for many strange things that have occcured with my body after thirty = children1 #BloggerClubUK

    1. omg my typing skills and brain need some working on sometimes! 30=children! and I used the wrong hashtag! ugh #BestAndWorst

  6. Ah those pesky chin hairs - I of course have no experience of what you're talking about *ahem* #bestandworse*

    1. Haha! I wrote this for a friend. "ahem"..Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Haha what I would like to know is why is it only one? Where are all your friends? You can tell them to stay in hiding oh thick little hair. For some reason it feels like it goes deeply into my skin haha. Not that I've experienced this :P :P

  8. I'm not sure if it comes with aging but it's really annoying especially if it's just one random stray hair. I hope it doesn't become more than one though!

  9. Ugh, the pains of getting older! My grandmother used to pluck all those stray hair out! I am actually considering laser treatment.

  10. Amen! And they pop up freaking over night. What the heck! I have told my children that when I am in the nursing home, they absolutely must trim my chin hair or I will leave them nothing!!

  11. Hey! At least it is not all over your face. And it is not something that really impedes on your beauty. Don't worry too much about it.

  12. This is hilarious! Don't mean to laugh but I really find this post humorous and well expressed. Chin hair might be due to hormomal changes in the body. I found this recipe on google and thought you might want to know. Add 4 tablespoons of honey to this juice and mix it well. Apply this paste on the face or areas where you do not want hair growth. Allow it to rest on your skin for 15 to 20 minutes and then remove the mask with the help of a washcloth that is soaked in lukewarm water.

    1. It's ok to laugh. Thanks for the tip! I'll give it a try!

  13. Haha oh my word you seem to have read more mind on this one! That one hair is such a bloody pain lol!

  14. Such a hilarious post filled with lots of humor to make my day. Being in the 40s I am definitely going through lot of such things lately and the only thing we can hope is some healthy options that could help on the long run!

    1. It's all downhill from here, right? Thanks for checking it out!

  15. Hahaaa what bastards these hairs you talk about eh! Thanks for linking up #bestandworst

  16. hahahaha! i actaully didnt know women had to even worry about that. thought no hair grew on your face...

  17. Your post made me smile. These chin hairs drive me crazy at times.

  18. Hmm. I've always thought women didn't have facial hairs. Anyway jokes aside. Yeah, those pesky hairs really can spoil your day.

  19. Many women have facial hair and also have health conditions that cause facial hair. I wish society didn't shame women for it.

  20. If I hadn't read this I ultimately wouldn't really think about this..."constant" thing in my life. I accept hair as part of my style but c'mon, there are places where you shouldn't really exist.

    1. Right?! Those suckers grow so quick too! Thanks for stopping by!

  21. no one likes facial hair man or women

  22. Chin hair is the worst. I have peach fuzz but if a black one shows up, I WILL freak out!!! #EatSleepBlogRT

  23. Argh those chin hairs - they are a total anti-joke! Hope your takes this as a warning #eatsleepblogrt
