Nov 12, 2016

Christmas Came Early!

Remember when you were a kid and you woke up on Christmas morning and there it was. The best, most exciting present. The one thing that you were wishing and hoping for. Well, Christmas came a little early for me this year. Not because I got some big, fancy, expensive gift, but because my voice is finally being heard...and heard on the Huffington Post! Yesterday it happened. Yesterday was the day that after months of post submissions to the Huffington Post, they finally picked up, and published one of my pieces! This has been one of my goals since I started writing just four short months ago.  Needless to say, I am pretty excited to have accomplished this. Even if it never happens again, I can always say that on November 11, 2016 MY voice was heard on the Huffington Post.

I also wanted to share with all of MY followers some of the things that you have helped me to accomplish in just a few short months. These things were possible because of your support and dedication.

  • 17,000 Daily Dump page views since July, 2016
  • Publications featured on Scary Mommy, Babble, Sammiches and Psych Meds, Her View From Home, Hooray for Moms, BonBon Break, Red Tricycle, The Tribe Magazine, and now Huffington Post.
  • Regular writer for Suburban Misfit Mom and Modern Mom
  • 800 new Twitter Followers
  • Just shy of 150 new Facebook Daily Dump followers

I would call that SUCCESS! This is far more than I ever could have expected when I first started writing. I just want to keep going and see where this goes.

I also wanted to share the Huffington Post piece with all of my followers on my own site because it its your dedication and support made this happen. You have been the ones that have bee supporting me since the very beginning!  So... THANK YOU.

I hope you all enjoy this post and stay tuned for many more on Daily Dump and hopefully on The Huffington Post!


I’m sorry. These are words that I know all too well and I say far too often in my life. Not because I have done so many things wrong that I need to apologize for, but because I can’t do everything. There is not enough time in the day to do it all for my kids, my employer, my husband, my friends, and myself. I’m sorry I was so slow to respond to your email; I’m sorry I can’t be there for mom’s breakfast day at school; I’m sorry I was late to pick you up; I’m sorry that I have to reschedule again…and so on and so on. I am a working mom, and this is all I can do.
Nobody understands the concept of the balancing act quite like a working mom. Balancing is an everyday struggle.
I'm Sorry...The Working Mom's Mantra - Click HERE to read more!


  1. Yay, congrats that is a lot to achieve so soon you are doing something right even if you are torn between work, kids and everything in between! So happy for you xx #EatsleepblogRT

  2. You are doing amazing lady! Keep it up :)

  3. Yay congrats! Cracking the Huff is a big step and it does make you do a kind of funny victory dance when it happens! #EatSleepBlogRT

  4. It is really hard to balance everything isn't it? Congratulations for being published in the Huff post - that's fantastic news! Thanks for linking up to #AnythingGoes

    Janet :)
